How Many Babies do Skunks Have

How Many Babies do Skunks Have?

Skunks are intelligent mammals that are known for their toxic spray. Did you know they can aim with accuracy as far as 20 feet away? These are creatures you don’t want to mess with. With this defence mechanism, skunks are nearly free of predators. Females dedicate their summers to raising their babies, only spraying when they feel absolutely threatened. If there are skunks on your property and you need help, reach out to Skunk Control. We provide guaranteed skunk solutions throughout the GTA and beyond.

Indigenous to the Americas, skunks live in a variety of habitats including forests, plains, deserts, and mountains. They are also commonly found in suburbs and quiet city neighbourhoods. As omnivores, skunks feed on all kinds of things like insects, rodents, mushrooms, berries, and eggs. Skunks are crepuscular, so they are most active during twilight. They do not hibernate, but they are much less active during the colder winter months. Skunks den under decks, sheds, patios, and other structures in the yard. Females especially build dens in the spring when they need a place to nurse their young.

Skunk Reproduction

Skunks mate in late winter, usually sometime between February and March. Females give birth to litters of 2 to 7 kits after a gestation period of about 66 days. The kit season is therefore between April and June. Kits are blind and immobile at birth, feeding on their mother’s milk and relying on them entirely. At 8 weeks, they are big enough to venture out with their mothers and feed on solid foods. Skunks are excellent mothers that will defend their kits and relocate to another den if they feel unsafe. Kits leave the den and go their own way by late summer or fall.

Signs of a Skunk Problem

If you have been seeing skunks on your property, there may be a den nearby. Look for holes in the lawn, about 3 to 4 inches in diameter, and check for signs of damage in the garden. Skunks will dig for grubs and insects. Finding your garbage cans knocked over may also indicate that skunks are visiting your home. Another obvious sign is skunk odour. Check the perimeters of your deck, shed, and foundation for signs of digging. If there is a hole, block it with a ball of paper. If it is gone within 3 days, there may be a skunk living in that space.

Call a Skunk Remover for Help

Call a local wildlife remover if there are skunks in your neighbourhood. They will perform an inspection of your property and identify the location of the skunk den as well as all other areas vulnerable to wildlife. The technicians at Skunk Control are highly experienced in skunk removal. We provide safe and effective solutions to all skunk problems. We remove skunks humanely and keep them out by excluding decks, sheds, and all other vulnerabilities. Call Skunk Control today.